Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grim Reaper in the Sky ?

                                      In the greyness
                                     and drizzle of one despondent
                                     dawn unstirred by harbingers
                                     of sun break a vulture
                                     perching high on broken
                                     bones of a dead tree
                                     nestled close to his  
                                     mate his smooth
                                     bashed-in head, a pebble
                                     on a stem rooted in
                                     a dump of gross
                                     feathers, inclined affectionately
                                     to hers. Yesterday they picked
                                     the eyes of a swollen
                                     corpse in a water logged
                                     trench and ate the
                                    things in its bowel. Full
                                    gorged they chose their roost
                                    keeping the hollowed remnant
                                    in easy range of cold
                                    telescopic eyes...

                                    indeed how love in other
                                    ways so particular   
                                    will pick a corner
                                    in that charnel-house
                                    tidy it and coil up there, perhaps
                                    even fall asleep -  her face
                                    turned to the wall!

                                    ...Thus the Commandant at Belsen
                                    camp going home for
                                    the day with fumes of
                                    human roast clinging
                                    rebelliously to his hairy
                                    nostrils will stop
                                    at the wayside sweet-shop
                                    and pick up a chocolate
                                    for his tender offspring
                                    waiting at home for Daddy's

                                    Praise bounteous
                                    providence if you will
                                    that grants even an ogre
                                    a tiny glow-worm
                                    tenderness encapsulated
                                    in icy caverns of a cruel
                                    heart or else despair
                                    for in the very germ
                                    of that kindred love is
                                    lodged the perpetuity
                                    of evil.    

                                      ~ Chinua Achebe

Should we rejoice with the good in the least likely places, or despair at the fact that it is the presence of this good that allows for evil?..................................................................

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